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TaticView β


Release Notes

7,889 bytes added, 19:21, 9 December 2023
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<div class="index-right">__TOC__</div>
== <span id="2.23.0">Version 2.23.0 - dec/09/2023</span> == <!--T:155--><ul version="2.23.0" name="Version 2.23.0 - dec/09/2023"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Great performance enhancements on loading big data files to datasources. This will allow bigger files to be loaded in future.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>A lot of UX enhancements. </li><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.22.0">Version 2.22.0 - oct/05/2022</span> == <!--T:154--><ul version="2.22.0" name="Version 2.22.0 - oct/05/2022"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li><b>Graphics:</b> Support two or more axis. [[Chart_Axes#Multiple_Value_Axis|See more.]]<li><b>Graphics:</b> Smoothed line and area charts. [[Area_Chart|See more.]]<li><b>Graphics:</b> Option to hide the markers. [[Show_Markers|See more.]]<li>Two new functions support on datasources expressions. [[Expressions#COUNT_function|See more.]]<li>Performance enhancements on dashboards execution and data update.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>UX performance enhancements. </li><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.21.0">Version 2.21.0 - mai/29/2022</span> == <!--T:153--><ul version="2.21.0" name="Version 2.21.0 - mai/29/2022"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>A lot of security enhancements.</li><li>Performance enhancements in some edge cases.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>UX enhancements. </li><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.20.0">Version 2.20.0 - aug/01/2021</span> == <!--T:102152-->Teste<ul version="2.20.0" name="Version 2.20.0 - aug/01/2021"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Implemented special variable [[Expressions#Special_Variables|@totalRowValue]].</li><li>Performance enhancements.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>UX enhancements. </li><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.19.0">Version 2.19.0 - jun/14/2021</span> == <!--T:151--><ul version="2.19.0" name="Version 2.19.0 - jun/14/2021"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Share manager page completely redesigned, including a new option to manage shares by user [[Share_dashboards|Share Dashboards]].</li><li>Various performance enhancements, more is coming soon.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>Mobile UI tweaks. </li><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.18.0">Version 2.18.0 - mar/30/2021</span> == <!--T:150--><ul version="2.18.0" name="Version 2.18.0 - mar/30/2021"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Various performance enhancements.</li><li>Better handling edge cases in date shortcuts.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>General fixes. </li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.17.0">Version 2.17.0 - jan/26/2021</span> == <!--T:145--><ul version="2.17.0" name="Version 2.17.0 - jan/26/2021"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>General fixes.</li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.16.0">Version 2.16.0 - dec/21/2020</span> == <!--T:140--><ul version="2.16.0" name="Version 2.16.0 - dec/21/2020"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Implemented drill down on cross tables and charts.</li><li>Implemented CSV export on cross tables and charts with single or cross export.</li><li>New registration screen for invited users.</li><li>Implemented '''[[Expressions#ROUND_function|ROUND]]''' function for use in expressions.</li><li>Bold property apply to cross table total line.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>Fixed problem with default decimals quantity when setting conditional formating.</li><li>Several fixes.</li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.15.1">Version 2.15.1 - nov/26/2020</span> == <!--T:135--><ul version="2.15.1" name="Version 2.15.1 - nov/26/2020"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Changes in functionality for deleting dashboards from groups for better user experience.</li><li>TaticView app released in Play Store (Android O.S.). [[Mobile app|See more]]</li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.15.0">Version 2.15.0 - nov/16/2020</span> == <!--T:130--><ul version="2.15.0" name="Version 2.15.0 - nov/16/2020"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Implemented dashboards grouping.[[Manage_Dashboards_Groups| See more]].</li><li>Option to disable Y axys values.</li><li>Option to enable conditional formatting during drill down.</li><li>Option to set font size for graph series.</li><li>Import/Update support on smartphones and tablets.</li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>Special expression "Individual %" problem fixed when used in Total column.</li><li>POW and LOG functions corrections.</li><li>Several fixes.</li></dd></dl></ul> == <span id="2.14.0">Version 2.14.0 - oct/12/2020</span> == <!--T:120--><ul version="2.14.0" name="Version 2.14.0 - oct/12/2020"><dl><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt><dd><li>Implementation of hyperlink associated with columns and filters. [[Hyperlinks|See more]].</li><li>Button object included. Allows you to associate hyperlinks of any type of file. [[Button Object|See more]].</li><li>Option to format numbers using prefixes and suffixes. [[Number Formatting|See more]].</li><li>Increased maximum column limit in the data file: Total columns (256); Maximum text + date (63), Maximum numeric (254).</li><li></li></dd><dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt><dd><li>Fixed situation ''attribute not found'' in fixed filters settings.</li><li>Graph series will now be completely invisible when invisible is checked.</li><li>Fixed issue with double click on title bar when empty.</li><li>Several fixes.</li></dd></dl></ul>
== <span id="2.13.1">Version 2.13.1 - aug/19/2020</span> == <!--T:110-->
<ul version="2.13.1" name="Version 2.13.1 - aug/19/2020">
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations and fixes:</span></dt>
<li>Implemented search option in Combo filters.</li>
<li>Several fixes.</li>
== <span id="2.13.0">Version 2.13.0 - aug/10/2020</span> == <!--T:105-->
<ul version="2.13.0" name="Version 2.13.0 - aug/10/2020">
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt>
<li>Option to reset all dashboard filters and drilldowns implemented.</li>
<li>Implemented option to define initial content of a combo filter.</li>
<li>Significant increase in performance of dashboards with remodeling of the combo filters.</li>
<li>Filter button on mobile devices changed to the top of the screen.</li>
<li>Mobile filters screen improvements.</li>
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt>
<li>Initial Combo Filters Operators fixed.</li>
<li>Dashboard print adjustments.</li>
<li>Several fixes.</li>
== <span id="2.12.0">Version 2.12.0 - jun/8/2020</span> == <!--T:102-->
<ul version="2.12.0" name="Version 2.12.0 - jun/8/2020">
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">TaticView Implementations and Fixes:</span></dt>
<li>Implemented option to multi-select text filters (Combos). [[Combo_Filter_Selection|See how]].</li>
<li>Now when you copy an object the connected filters are copy too.</li>
<li>Improvements on importation. Better interface to new columns.</li>
<li>Improvements on "Remember me" behavior</li>
<li>Stacked Cross Charts now show the Sum of stack and percent of the segments.</li>
<li>Several fixes and adjustments.</li>
== <span id="2.11.0">Version 2.11.0 - apr/21/2020</span> == <!--T:101-->
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt>
<li>Implemented "Remeber me" option at [[Sign_In|'''logon''']] to keep the user conected.</li><li>Implemented the execution of Slide Show and Panels directly through url. [[Running_via_URL|'''See how''']].</li>
<li>Implemented option to add TaticView as a app on Desktop (Chrome funtionality).</li>
<li>Improvements on multi tabs using with dashboards.</li>
<li>Improvements in handling/interpreting special characters.</li>
<li>Improvements to loading dashboards and datamarts datasources on main page.</li>
<li>Performance improvements and bugfixes in the data import process.</li>
<li>Message improvements during dashboards execution.</li>
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt>
<li>Improvements to loading dashboards and data sources datasources on the main screen.</li>
<li>Improvements to panel object data selections when field names have special characters.</li>
<li>Several fixes and performance improvements.</li>
== <span id="1.16.0">Version 1.16.0 - jun/25/2018</span> == <!--T:86-->
<dt><span style="color: #163d78">Implementations:</span></dt>
<li>Features changes. Features <i>data sourcesdatasources</i> and <i>received dashboards</i> are no longer use. </li>
<li>Data import/update automation. [[Automate Update data|See more]]</li>
<li>Copy Dashboards and Data Sources Datasources to other users. [[Copy_Dashboards_to_other_users|See more]]</li>
<li>Do not allow XLS / XLSX imports containing expressions not supported by TaticView.</li>
<li>Data sources Datasources automatic import/update ending indication.</li>
<li>Renaming the <i>Edit Template</i> option to <i>Master Dashboard</i>.</li>
<li>Improvements on how to delete and sort data sources datasources and dashboards.</li>
<li>Access tokens implementation.</li>
<li>OAUTH2 authentication support.</li>
<li>Visual indication in data sources datasources that have <i>automatic update</i>.</li><li>Data source Datasource properties screen.</li>
<li>Do not allow empty file import.</li>
<li>Improved validation of emails on the Share Screen.</li>
<li>Data source Datasource deletion not allowed during an update.</li>
<dt><span style="color: #163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt>
<li>New import / update process.</li>
<li>Huge performance increase.</li>
<li>Added option for full Deleting records from a data sourcedatasource.</li>
<li>Added user country to register.</li>
<li>Added "Update date for the data" in the dashboard execution.</li>