Sort Data Source

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Revision as of 12:58, 17 September 2018 by Jonathan (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
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Other languages:
English • ‎português do Brasil

To change the order on which Data Sources are displayed on the main page, you must use the Order datasources option, available from the Datasources tab menu, on the main screen:

On desktop
File:Order datasources en-US.png
In mobile devices
File:Order datasources mobile en-US.png

Clicking on this icon will display the following screen, containing the list with your Data Sources:

Order datasources 1+en-US.PNG

To change the order, click on the intended Data Source and drag it to the desired position.

To confirm the new Data Sources sorting, click Save. TaticView will return to the main page displaying the Data Sources with the new sort order.

To sort Dashboards, see Sorting Dashboards.