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Chart Axes/pt-br

1,773 bytes added, 03:36, 5 October 2022
Created page with "Eixos dos Gráficos"
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== Axes Options ==

Here you can configure charts axes options.

=== Category Axis ===

[[File:ChartAxes Category.png]]

The options here are:
* [[Hide labels|Hide Labels]]
* [[Font size|Font Size]]
* [[Abbreviate Labels]]
* [[Hide Category]]

=== Value Axes ===

On the Value Axes there are some charts that support only one value axis ([[#Simple Value Axis]]) and other that support one ore more value axis ([[#Multiple Value Axis]])

==== Simple Value Axis ====

Charts that support only one value axis

[[File:ChartAxes Values Simple.png]]

The options here are:
* [[Decimal_(Y_axis)|Decimals]]
* [[Thousand_sep._(Y_axis)|Thousand Separator]]
* [[Maximum Axis Value]]
* [[Minimum Axis Value]]

'''Applies to'''

[[Cross Column Chart]], [[Cross Bar Chart]], [[Cross Line Chart]], [[Cross Area Chart]]

==== Multiple Value Axis ====

We support charts that can have one ore more Value Axes, so you can create complex charts, as you can see bellow.
[[File:Comparing two axes.png]]

The use wants do compare Cost and %Profit, but, as the values have a huge difference, using one axis (left chart) results in a bad view, but with tow axes (right chart) you can see the variations clearly.

So you can:
* Add more axes to the chart, using the '''New Axis''' button
* Remove the Axis (trash icon)
* Associate the values the each axis
* Choose the Axis Position (on the Left or Right)
* Ordene the Axis order (by dragging the Axis card up and down)

[[File:ChartAxes Values.png]]

The options for each axis are:
* [[Decimal_(Y_axis)|Decimals]]
* [[Thousand_sep._(Y_axis)|Thousand Separator]]
* [[Maximum Axis Value]]
* [[Minimum Axis Value]]

'''Applies to'''

[[Column Chart]], [[Bar Chart]], [[Line Chart]], [[Area Chart]]

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