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Main Page Overview/en

88 bytes added, 09:55, 17 January 2015
Updating to match new version of source page
* '''Exit''': Use the ''Exit'' option to log off, see [[Log Off]];
* '''Edit main page''': Allow to delete and sort your dashboards and data sources lists, see [[Edit main page]].
* '''Generate dashboards''': Automatically generate standard dashboard based on your [[Data Sources]] data, see [[Generate dashboards]];
* '''Import/Update data''': Import or update your [[Data Sources]] data, see [[Import/Update data]];
* '''Edit Template''': Edit the template used on your dashboards, see [[Edit Template]];
* '''Import/Update data''': Import or update your [[Data Sources]] data, see [[Import/Update data]];
* '''Edit main pageUpdate datasource''': Allow to delete and sort Update your dashboards and [[Data Sources]] data sources lists, see [[Edit main pageImport/Update data]]. ;

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