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Advanced row filter

19 bytes added, 19:03, 18 September 2017
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The data displayed in the object can be different from the columns used to create the dataset. You can create a dynamic dataset that bring brings the ''top ten clients by gross sales'' value and see in the object which products these ''clients'' buy. The data of the dynamic dataset does not necessarily need to be explicitly shown in the object.
* Reference (Grouped by): Set the ''Text'' or ''Date'' column that will be used to group the dataset;
* Sorted by: Set if the filter of the dataset will get the greater (Descending) or smaller (Ascending) results;
* Limited to: Set the amount a number of rows that the dataset will bring;* Show others: Set if the remaining rows (not contained in the dataset) will be agregated aggregated under an ''Others'' row.
To facilitate it's its use, think about the parameters as a question:

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