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TVCli Commands

264 bytes added, 19:41, 11 August 2021
Marked this version for translation
== TVCli graphical wizard == <!--T:21-->
<div style="float: right;">__TOC__</div>
=== Token creation command === <!--T:11--> <!--T:22-->
If you click the link without having a valid access token, you will be redirected to the following screen so you can acquire the token generation command:
=== Data update command === <!--T:13--> <!--T:23-->
The following screen will be displayed if you have a valid access token:
On this screen, you * must inform if the command will be executed in Windows command line or in a BAT file.* must inform the address of where the file/spreadsheet is located, including its name and extension. Besides, you * can also enable the optional parameters to your files automatic updates.  <!--T:20-->As for the token generation screen, all you have to do is inform your email and TaticView's access password in case you don't have a valid token.

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