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== <span id="2.22.0">Version 2.22.0 - oct/05/2022</span> == <ul version="2.22.0" name="Version 2.22.0 - oct/05/2022"> <dl> <dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt> <dd> <li><b>Graphics:</b> Support two or more axis. [[Chart_Axes#Multiple_Value_Axis|See more.]] <li><b>Graphics:</b> Smoothed line and area charts. [[Area_Chart|See more.]] <li><b>Graphics:</b> Option to hide the markers. [[Show_Markers|See more.]] <li>Two new functions support on datasources expressions. [[Expressions#COUNT_function|See more.]] <li>Performance enhancements on dashboards execution and data update.</li> </dd> <dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt> <dd> <li>UX performance enhancements. </li> <li>General fixes. </li> </dd> </dl> </ul>