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Advanced row filter/en

70 bytes removed, 17:31, 21 September 2017
Importing a new version from external source
Define a dynamic dataset that is used as a '''filter''' for the data in the object.
* Reference (Grouped by): Set the ''Text'' or ''Date'' column that will be used to group the dataset;
* Sorted by: Set if the filter of the dataset will get the greater (Descending) or smaller (Ascending) results;
* Limited to: Set the amount a number of rows that the dataset will bring;* Show others: Set if the remaining rows (not contained in the dataset) will be agregated aggregated under an ''Others'' row.
<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
1) Filter by and show the ''10 smaller cities'' by ''net revenue'':
Advanced row filter parameters:
<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
2) Filter by the ''10 greater cities'' by ''net revenue'' and show the product sales distribution is these cities:
Advanced row filter parameters:

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