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[[File:Drill down 1 en-US.png|link=]]
[[File:Drill down 1 pt-BR.png|link=]]

Revision as of 18:55, 19 September 2019

Other languages:
English • ‎português do Brasil

Operação que permite escolher uma linha de uma tabela ou gráfico e detalhar (filtrar) por outra(s) coluna(s) (dimensões).

Múltiplos drill down(s) são possíveis, até que não tenham mais colunas disponíveis.

Esses filtros se somam aos já existentes (filtros de combos, filtros nos painéis, objetos e colunas).

Atenção: Operação somente disponível para tabelas simples e gráficos simples (linhas, barras, área e pizza)

Por exemplo:

Tenho uma tabela com informações de clientes. Escolho um cliente e seleciono a coluna produtos. A tabela passará a mostrar os produtos comprados por aquele cliente.

Drill down 1 pt-BR.png

We select the client Bakery Junior Inc and double-click (taphold on mobile devices)

A window with the columns (text dimensions and dates) available for drill down will be displayed, confirming the choice made.

We chose the column Product.

Drill down 2 en-US.png

The same table that showed customers now shows the products that customer bought.

Drill down 3 en-US.png

The title bar, if disabled will be enabled and will display the title (Drill down) to indicate the operation and two new icons are included for navigation.

Drill down 4 en-US.png

The icon Drill down back level.png will allow you to go back one level (drill up) and the icon Drill down back start.png will allow you to go back to the original table state (drill down reset). The filter Filter info.png info icon will display all active filters.

Filter info detail.png

Expanding Expand component en-US.png the table or graph during a drill down process may improve the user experience due to differences in column widths.


  • Drill down comes enabled when the component is inserted into the dashboard. To not allow drill down on a particular component (table/graphs) you must turn off the Drill down property in the object properties in panel editing.
Drill down 5 en-US.png

  • When a combo filter connected to a drill down table/chart is changed, the drill down operation will be canceled (reset).
  • For each date type column a list of formats is available. The title will refer to which date it refers to. Ex. Order Date (Month/Year)
Drill down 6 en-US.png Drill down 7 en-US.png

  • On the mobiles tap (taphold) the screen over the chosen line to open the drill down screen.