A Cross Area Chart object that represents data as filled areas whose height is determined by the values in the data.
The Cross Area Chart object needs two Date or Text columns (or one of each) that will be used to group data and one Value column that will be show as the filled areas in the chart.
For other chart options, see Objects.
The first chart example displays the Stacking percentage values of Products Profit throught Years.
In the above example the area chart displays the stacked Gross Sale values of Vendors by Region.
Data Properties
- Advanced row filter
- Average Column
- Decimal (Y axis)
- Filters
- Row limit
- Rows sort
- Stacking
- Thousand sep. (Y axis)
- Total column
- Total row
Title Bar Properties
Layout Properties
- Background color
- Border color
- Font size
- Hide labels
- Object dimensions
- Label position
- Labels rotation
- X position
- Y position
Object Columns Properties