Administrando grupos de painéis
Em seu primeiro acesso na aba painéis você terá somente a opção "Todos" que mostra todos os painéis que você criou ou recebeu.
A partir desse momento você pode criar seus próprios agrupamentos. Você pode criar quantos grupos quiser. Um painel pode estar e mais de um grupo.
Adicionando painéis
Give a name to the group and save. You can determine the order of the dashboards.
Each group you create will have an editing option and set a favorite. The favorite group will be loaded when you sign in
If you have your own datasources, each of them will automatically become a group.
These are special groups.
Each datasource file have a pin option to put the group optin in the main menu. On the main menu you can unpin the group.
- Special datasource groups you can:
- set favorite
- unpin from main menu. Never delete
- Created groups you can:
- set favorite
- edit content (insert and delete dashboards from the group)
- delete the group
Set a favorite group
There are also more two special groups:
- Shared dashboards (show all the dashboards you share with other users)
- Dashboards received (show all the dashboards you receive from others users)