User contributions
18 December 2020
Account Creation/pt-br
Created page with "File:newshareduser-pt+BR.PNG"
Translations:Account Creation/6/pt-br
Created page with "File:newshareduser-pt+BR.PNG"
Account Creation/pt-br
Created page with "Quando o registro é efetuado através de um convite por compartilhamento o registro é conforme tela abaixo."
Translations:Account Creation/5/pt-br
Created page with "Quando o registro é efetuado através de um convite por compartilhamento o registro é conforme tela abaixo."
Account Creation
Marked this version for translation
Account Creation
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
Export CSV/pt-br
Created page with "link= link="
Translations:Export CSV/9/pt-br
Created page with "link= link="
Export CSV/pt-br
Created page with "Em tabelas e gráficos cruzados tem duas opções de exportação: * simples - nesse caso a coluna cruzada vira uma segunda coluna de dimensão. * cruzado - os dados são expo..."
Translations:Export CSV/8/pt-br
Created page with "Em tabelas e gráficos cruzados tem duas opções de exportação: * simples - nesse caso a coluna cruzada vira uma segunda coluna de dimensão. * cruzado - os dados são expo..."
Export CSV
Marked this version for translation
Export CSV
no edit summary
File:CSV Export Cross Graph-pt+BR.PNG
no edit summary
File:CSV Export Cross Table-pt+BR.PNG
no edit summary
File:CSV Export Cross Table-en+US.PNG
no edit summary
File:CSV Export Cross Graph-en+US.PNG
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
Drill Down/pt-br
Created page with "Tabelas e gráficos cruzados manterão o cruzamento durante o drill down."
Translations:Drill Down/27/pt-br
Created page with "Tabelas e gráficos cruzados manterão o cruzamento durante o drill down."
Drill Down/pt-br
no edit summary
Translations:Drill Down/25/pt-br
no edit summary
Drill Down
Marked this version for translation
Drill Down
no edit summary
Luiz uploaded a new version of File:Groupedit4-pt+BR.PNG
Luiz uploaded a new version of File:Groupedit4-en+US.PNG
Release Notes
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
27 November 2020
Release Notes/pt-br
no edit summary
Translations:Release Notes/135/pt-br
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
Mobile app/pt-br
Created page with "Clique [ aqui] para instalar."
Translations:Mobile app/2/pt-br
Created page with "Clique [ aqui] para instalar."
Mobile app/pt-br
Created page with "O aplicativo TaticView para mobile está disponível na Play Store."
Translations:Mobile app/1/pt-br
Created page with "O aplicativo TaticView para mobile está disponível na Play Store."
Help Index/pt-br
no edit summary
Translations:Help Index/2/pt-br
no edit summary
Mobile app
Marked this version for translation
Mobile app
no edit summary
Mobile app
no edit summary
Mobile app
no edit summary
Mobile app
Created page with "<languages> <translate> </translate>"
Help Index
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary
26 November 2020
Release Notes/pt-br
no edit summary
Translations:Release Notes/135/pt-br
no edit summary
Release Notes
no edit summary