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TVCli Commands Reference

Revision as of 16:22, 7 August 2021 by Fh (talk | contribs) (TaticView Commands Reference)
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TVCli Commands Reference

Here you can read about the commands and options available for TVCli.

TVCli sending data to a DataMart

Use import_file to send data to a DataMart

Command Syntax:

 tvcli -cmd import_file -user <your TaticView user> -datamart  -file "<file/spreadsheet address>" [-type "<type>"] [-wait [-notifyshare]] [-nonotifyerror]  

 -cmd                   - import_file   - Command that uploads your files and add them to the update queue.
 -user                  - Your TaticView user (access e-mail).
 -datamart              - The identification code of the data file obtained through the properties option on the TaticView main page.
 -file                  - The address of the text (CSV) or spreadsheet (XLSX, XLS, XLSM) data file that will be updated. You can use mapped drives (Ex.: C:\, D:\) or UNC address (Ex.: \\server\folder\file).
 -type (opcional)       - clear_and_add - Deletes every data from the TaticView's Data File and imports new data. This is TVCli's default behavior.
                          append        - It adds new data to your TaticView's data files file/spreadsheet while still keeping the previously imported data. It's important to make sure to not duplicate any data.
 -wait (opcional)       - Command that makes TVCli wait the end of your data updates along with TaticView. It's necessary in case you want to test commands responses (ERROR_LEVEL).
 -nonotifyerror (opcional)    - Command used to not notify the user in case of an error occurring during the update process. 
 -notifyshare (opcional) - Command used to send a notification to the users who own shared dashboards informing that the data update finished successfully. This command only works when used with the -wait command. 


 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "\\servidor\taticview\imp\myspreadsheet.xls" 
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx"
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\file.csv" -wait -notifyshare
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx" -wait
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx" -type clear_and_add
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx" -type append
 tvcli -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "C:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx" -type append -nonotifyerror
 Call "C:\Program Files\TvCli\tvcli" -cmd import_file -user -datamart 246 -file "D:\taticview\imp\spreadsheet.xlsx" -wait

TVCli get new token

Use get_token_by_password command to request the generation of a new Access TOKEN.

Command Syntax:

 tvcli -cmd get_token_by_password -user <your TaticView user> -password <your TaticView password> [-token_name "<token name>"]

-cmd - get_token_by_password - The command responsible for requesting and storing the Access TOKEN on the TVCli settings.

 -user                  - Your TaticView user (access e-mail).
 -password              - Your TaticView access password.
 -token_name (optional) - The name you want to set to your Access TOKEN. The default name TaticView CLI will be set if you do not specify a name.         


 tvcli -cmd get_token_by_password -user -password 123466 -token_name "TVCli Server 1" 

TVCli show version

Use the version command to see which TVCli version is installed on your computer. This command displays the TVCli version on the console and registers it on the TVCli log.

Command Syntax:

 tvcli -version

TVCli show log

since TVCli version 1.1

Use the show_logs command to show the log file.

Command Syntax:

 tvcli -cmd show_logs - Show the current day logs
 tvcli -cmd show_logs -all - Show all logs in the logs directory