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Combo (Filter)/en

269 bytes added, 17:33, 21 September 2017
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'''See a [[Combo (Filter) Tutorial|video tutorial]] about the combo object'''.
See below all available properties for this object:
'''Data Properties'''
* [[Advanced row filter]]
* [[Date shortcuts]]
* [[Object Filters|Filters]]
* [[Row limit]]
* [[Rows sort]]
'''Title Bar Properties'''
* '''Data Properties''':** [[Object Filters|Filters]]** [[Rows sort|Rows Sort]]** [[Advanced row filter|Advanced Row Filter]]** [[Title bar PropertiesRow limit|Row Limit]]
* '''Layout Title Bar Properties''':** [[Title bar Properties|Title Bar Properties]]
* [[Background color]]
* [[Border color]]
* [[Font]]
* [[Font color]]
* [[Font size]]
* [[Font style]]
* [[Object dimensions]]
* [[Text alignment]]
* [[Object positions]]
* '''Layout Properties''':
** [[Hide Border|Show Border]]
** [[Border color|Border Color]]
** [[Background color|Background Color]]
** [[Font]]
** [[Font color|Font Color]]
** [[Font size|Font Size]]
** [[Text alignment|Text Alignment]]
** [[Font style|Font Style]]
** [[Object positions|Object Positions]]
** [[Object dimensions|Object Dimensions]]
'''Object Columns Properties'''
* [['''Column filters]]Properties''':** [[Column name|Column Name]]** [[Data type|Data Type]]** [[Mask]]