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CSV Importing Guide/en

1,299 bytes added, 18:15, 7 August 2019
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The instructions below will help you make sure your CSV or Text file is formatted correctly to be imported as a TaticView data source.

'''You can download a sample file here: [ Sales.csv]'''

'''If you still have problems importing, try [[Importing Problems]].'''

==== Headers ====

Headers are not mandatory, but if present they should be contained in just one row (the first one). For example:

[[File:Header csv.png|link=]]

==== Expressions ====

When importing CSV or text files, we also support creating [[Expressions]] as well as Excel files.

To consider expressions in CSV files, the composition of the expression must be in the header line of the data.

Below is an example of a spreadsheet containing two expressions (''Avg Price'' and ''% Profit''):

[[File:Expression header csv.png|link=]]

To create expressions in CSV files the following rules must be observed:
* The expression must begin with the character '''equal''' and be enclosed in '''parentheses'''. Examples: ''=(Price/Quantity)'', ''=((Profit*100)/Price)''
* To reference other columns in the file, use the column/header name
* It is not necessary to have data in the other rows for expression columns, as the content will be the result of the expression