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Execute a Dashboard

121 bytes added, 17:13, 20 January 2020
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To run a dashboard click on it in the [[Main Page Overview#Dashboards|Dashboards list]], from the main screen.
The same dashboard is not allowed to be run by the same user in two browser tabs. If this happens the first run will be terminated.
The resolution of the dashboard in run time was previously defined by the [[Dashboard dimensions]] property. Because of this the dashboard may be not fit perfectly on your device.
* '''Share''' button: If dashboard was created by you, you can share it with others by using this option. Remember that to use [[Share dashboards|dashboard sharing]] you need to have this feature (Shared users) contracted in your [[Subscriptions|subscription]].
* '''Exit''' button: To stop a dashboard from running and return to the main screen or dashboard design
To view one object in full screen, click the maximize [[File:Maximizar.png|link=]] icon. To exit full screen, click the restore [[File:Minimizar.png|link=]] icon.
In graphics, you can enable and disable charts series by clicking on its labels.
[[File:Executando um Dashboard 1+en-US.PNG|link=]].
If the dashboard you are executing has [[Combo (Filter)]] objects you can interact with those to dynamically change the dashboard's data.
In addition, to further enhance the application's user experience, each component is displayed at once on the screen (provided the dashboard has no overlapping objects, more details below). Allowing the user to scroll between components configured on the dashboard.
However, the user can still choose to view the dashboard with the desktop layout, which is probably the original dashboard layout. To do this, simply access the dashboard options and click on ''Desktop view''.
When a dashboard has the ''Combo (Filter)'' component added, on mobile devices these components will be accessible via the button located in the lower right corner of the screen. This way, the user can easily change the selections applied to the components during the execution of the dashboard.
To change the visible component on the screen, use the arrows that will be available on the sides of the dashboard.
An important note about running dashboards on mobile devices is that if the dashboard has overlapping components, the dashboard preview will be in the desktop pattern. This is because the mobile view displays one component at a time, and sometimes the developer overlaps components to display information that only makes sense in this way. Therefore, in mobile viewing would not make sense. Therefore, if the dashboard has overlapping components, the default view will be the desktop.