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TaticView β


TVCli Commands Reference

256 bytes removed, 18:56, 14 July 2022
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Command Syntax:
'''tvcli -cmd store_token -user <your TaticView user> -token <the token generated on TaticView> [-token_name "<token name>"]'''
-user - Your TaticView user (access e-mail).
-token - the '''[[Manage_Access#Tokens|access TOKEN]]'''.
-token_name (optional) - The name you want to set to your '''[[Manage_Access#Tokens|access TOKEN]]'''. The default name '''TaticView CLI''' will be set if you do not specify a name.
'''tvcli -cmd store_token -user -token 9bdr845gh5r4r1vd5d5 -token_name "TVCli sample token" '''
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