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Expressions allows to manually create and edit [[Filters]] rules by using programming language.
'''Examples''': SQRT('36').
==== Like ====
Returns true if the desired content is found in the list and false if the content is not found.
Syntax: ''LIKE(<data_set>;<pattern>)''. Needs two parameters, the first is the set of data that will be queried. The second is the term one wishes to find, in the data set. Returns true or false.
'''Examples''': LIKE("Product";'%ghe%'). Returns true if in the ''Product'' dataset there is some containing ''gue''. Otherwise, returns false.
=== Date Functions ===
'''Examples''': PREVIOUS_DATE(1;4) - return the closest ''01/04'', in other words, until "01/04/current year", returns "01/04/last year",
after that returns "01/04/current year".
==== Special variables ====
Special variables can be used with the expressions.
'''Important:''' The variables below must be enclosed in double quotation marks
"@count" - Total number of lines returned in a table.
"@row" - current line number.
"@sum[Column]" - Sum of indicated column.
"@avg[Column]" - Avg of indicated column like @sum[Column] / @count
"@prev[column]" - Previous row column value
"@accumCol[column]" - Current accumulated column value. Useful to calculate Variable Avg ("@accumCol[column]" / "@row")