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Release Notes/en

11 bytes removed, 04:15, 7 July 2018
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== <span id="1.15.0">Version 1.15.0 - apr/16/2018</span> ==
<dl ul version="1.15.0" name="Version 1.15.0 - apr/16/2018"><dl>
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Implementations:</span></dt>
<li>Released the international purchase of credits via credit card.</li>
<li>Created [[TVCli Commands]] screen to assist in configuring the automatic data update commands through [[TVCli]].</li>
<dt><span style="color:#163d78;">Fixes:</span></dt>
<li>Fixed the behavior of the <i>Image</i> object when selecting a file that is not an image.</li>
<li>Improved the pagination process when the dashboard/data files take more than one page.</li>
<li>Improved the emails validation when sharing a dashboard.</li>
<li>Several fixes and performance improvement.</li>
== <span id="1.14.1">Version 1.14.1 - mar/13/2018</span> ==