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<div class="index-right">__TOC__</div>
You can create expressions (formulas) directly in the dashboard components. It can thus display calculated values that are not present in the data source datasource file/spreadsheet.
* If the component has the columns ''Total Price'' and ''Quantity'', you can create an expression to calculate the ''Unit Price''. Would be like this:
** ''"Total Price"'' / ''"Quantity"''
* In addition, you can use fixed values, such as:
** ''"Total price"'' / 10
We just remember that currently TaticView only supports expressions whose numeric return.
Expressions support the backslash as [[EscapeChar|escape character]] so that names can contain the delimiting characters.
Below are details about how the expressions work:
== Basic structure of a Expression (Formula) ==
==== Identifier ====
It is the name of the field or column involved in the expression, it must be delimited by double quotes.
* Examples: "Average Price". "Screw 1\" philips", "Seler"
==== Value Operand ====
* Examples: 1, 1.05, 2.55
* Important: Do not use thousand separator in numeric values.
==== Text Operand ====
* Example: IF("Product" == "#null";0;20)
== Arithmetic Expressions ==
'''IF(("Price" > 0) && ("Seller" == 'John Snow');450;0)''' - If ''Price'' is greater than ''0'' '''AND''' ''Seller'' is equal to ''John Snow'', returns ''450'' if not returns ''0''
'''IF(("City" != "#null") && ("Product" != 'Lasagna');1;0)''' - If ''City'' is non-null '''AND''' ''Product'' is different from ''Lasagna'' returns ''1'' if it does not return ''0''
'''IF(("Price" > 1000) || ("Profit" >= 50);75;55)''' - If ''Price'' is greater than ''1000'' '''OR''' ''Profit'' is greater than or equal to ''50'' returns ''75'' if not ''55''
'''IF(("City" != "#null") || ("Product" != 'Lasagna');1;0)''' - If ''City'' is non-null '''OR''' ''Product'' is different from ''Lasagna'' returns ''1'' if it does not return ''0''
'''BETWEEN("Date Issued"; '01/01/2019'; '31/12/2019')''' - Returns true if ''Date Issued'' is between ''01/01/2019'' and ''12/31/2019''. Otherwise returns false
==== COUNT function ====
Returns number of occurrences (lines) for column or value.
By now this functions works only at Datasource expressions
'''COUNT("Product")''' - Returns number of occurrences (lines) of products
==== COUNT_DISTINCT function ====
Returns number of unique occurrences (lines) for column or value.
By now this functions works only at Datasource expressions
'''COUNT_DISTINCT("Product")''' - Returns number of unique (different) occurrences (lines) of products
==== IF ELSE function (If .... Otherwise ...) ====
'''IF(BETWEEN("Value";0;100);10;250)''' - If ''Value'' is between ''0'' and ''100'' returns ''10'', if not ''250''
'''IF("Profit" == 0;0;"Profit" + "Taxes")''' - If ''Profit'' equals ''0'' returns ''0'', if it does not return the sum between ''Profit'' and ''Taxes''
'''IF("Product Code" == 3231;0;"Quantity" * 3;"Quantity")''' - If ''Product Code'' equals ''3231'' returns ''Quantity'' plus 3
==== LOG function ====
Returns the logarithm of a number on a defined basis. It can be used with only one parameter, in this case the neperian (natural) "base 10" logarithm is used . If two parameters are used, the second server to inform the base to be used by the logarithm.
'''LOG("Profit")'''- Returns the logarithm of the field ''Profit''
'''LOG("Price";2)''' - Returns the logarithm of the ''Price'' field in base ''2''
'''POW("Profit")''' - Returns the power of the ''Profit'' value.
'''POW("Cost"; 3)''' - Returns the power of the ''Cost'' value, raised to ''3''
RANDOM(<start limit>; <end limit>)
'''RANDOM(10,;100)''' - Returns a random number between ''10'' and ''100'' ==== ROUND function ==== Returns the rounded value of a value column or value.
'''ROUND("Profit")''' - If Profit 10.38 returns 10.00
'''ROUND(15.65)''' - Returns 16.00
'''ROUND(1.777;1)''' - Returns 1.8
==== SQRT function (Square Root) ====
'''SQRT("Profit")''' - Returns the square root of the value ''Profit''
'''SQRT(81)''' - Returns the square root of ''81''
LIKE(< data>; <term>)
'''LKELIKE("Product"; '%anh%')''' - Returns true if the ''Product'' contains the term ''anh'' or false otherwise 
== Date Functions ==
'''FIRST_DAY_OF(0;DAY_FROM_TODAY(0))''' - Returns the first day of the year from today
'''FIRST_DAY_OF(1;"Issue Date")''' - First Day of Month Based on ''Issue Date'' Column
FIRST_DAY_OF(<date part>;<date modifier>;<date modifier value>)
'''FIRST_DAY_OF(1,;0,;-1)''' - first day of current month of last year
'''LAST_DAY_OF(0;DAY_FROM_TODAY(0))''' - Returns the last day of the year from today.
'''LAST_DAY_OF(1;"Date Issued")''' - Last day of month based on ''Date Issued'' column
LAST_DAY_OF(<date part>;<date modifier>;<date modifier value>)
'''LAST_DAY_OF(1,;0,;-1)''' - last day of current month of last year
'''NUM_OF_DAYS(FIRST_DAY_OF(0;"Issued Date");"Issued Date")''' - Returns the number of days from the first day of the year, based on the ''Issued Date'' column, to the current day, based on the same column.
  '''NUM_OF_DAYS(FIRST_DAY_OF(1;"Issued Date");LAST_DAY_OF(1,;"Issued Date"))''' - Returns the number of days of the month, based on the ''Issued Date'' column.
* '''"@avg[column]"''' - Average column, similar to ''"@sum[column]"'' / ''"@count"''
* '''"@prev[column]"''' - Row value before current row for this column
* '''"@totalRowValue[column]"''' - Value of total row, (if present), from this column.
* '''"@accumCol[column]"''' - Cumulative value from column to current row. Useful for calculating variable mean.
** Example: ''"@accumCol[column]"'' / ''"@row"''