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1,526 bytes added, 14:39, 4 April 2014
Created page with "Especiais"
The special columns consists of a set of auxiliary columns that enable to add to the objects useful calculated columns.

These formulas are available only in the object they were created.

Special columns can not be used in [[Cross Table]], [[Pie Chart]], [[Cross Column Chart]], [[Cross Bar Chart]], [[Cross Line Chart]], [[Cross Area Chart]] and [[Gauge]] objects.


== Accumulated ==

Calculate the accumulated value of the value selected in the [[Reference column]] property. The column value is calculated by adding the current row value plus all previous rows values.

== Expression ==

Allows to create custom expressions and formulas for the column. See [[Expressions]] for more information on how to create it.

== Individual Participation ==

Calculate the individual participation of the value of the current row in relation to the others, displaying the percentage of how much the row represents compared to the total amount. The value calculated is the selected in the column [[Reference column]] property.

== Percentage Variation ==

Calculate the variation of the value of the current row in relation to the previous row, displaying the percentage of how much the row variates. The value calculated is the selected in the column [[Reference column]] property.

== Example ==


The above example, shows a month chronological analysis by an expression (Gross Sale - Cost), and the accumulated, individual participation and monthly percentage variation of Costs.