Translations:Template ERP Pronto/6/en
Billing Datasource informations:
- invoice issue date;
- company code;
- branch code;
- invoice and item number;
- type of movement code and description;
- products groups descriptions (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4);
- product code;
- product description;
- customers fancy name;
- customer city;
- customer state;
- customer's country;
- seller;
- product sales unit;
- sold amount;
- gross value;
- discount;
- total taxes (ICMS, ICMS SUBST, PIS and COFINS);
- commissions;
- total amount deducted from discounts, taxes and commissions;
- product cost;
- profit margin ;
- PIS value;
- Cofins value;
- ICMS value;
- ICMS ST value;
- IPI value;
- profit margin %;
- average Net value;
- average Total value.