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Importing Problems/en

4,044 bytes added, 04:15, 14 October 2017
Importing a new version from external source
Check first our [[Excel Importing Guide]].<div style="float: right;">__TOC__</div>
See also [[Excel Importing Guide]].
'''If your file is failing to import, check these important tips:'''
* Check if the file is supported ([[Supported File Formats]])<span style="color: red;* Remove full empty columns (without data and header);* Remove full empty rows">'''Important:'''</lines;* Remove all non date, text or number data type column (like images);* Remove merged cells;* Remove or format correctly date column not identified by the spreadsheet;* Remove unknown, strange or control characters;* Remove special characters and dots (.) from headers titles;* Remove non-mathematical and complex expressions ([[Expressions]]);* If using headers, fill it for all columns;* Check for data type mixed columns. All cells in a column must be the same data type;* Check if some column its not exceeding the size limit ([[Supported File Formats|See limits]]);* Check if the file it not exceeding the columns limit ([[Supported File Formats|See limits]]);* Check if the file it not exceeding the rows limit ([[Supported File Formats|See limits]]);span>
* Specific for CSV files:
** Check if selected file encoding, columns, decimal separator and date mask match the file;
** Try to save as XLS or XLSX to import;
Some settings cannot be modified in the data file or import file during the data import so the dashboards can work properly. For instance:* Specific for XLS and XLSX filesYou cannot add new columns between already imported columns:** Make sure New columns must be added at the end of the file has more than one spreadsheet (tab). TaticView always considers only ;* Columns titles cannot be modified after the first worksheet (tab) of import:** The columns nicknames can be modified in [[Input Data Format]], but the dashboard's objects created previously will keep the previous nickname;** You must remove and add the column to update the dashboard's object nickname;* The columns cannot be removed from the fileafter the first import;* The columns position cannot be modified after the first import;* The columns data type (text, ignoring value, date) cannot be modified after the othersfirst import;
'''Download a sample If the file here: you are trying to import is presenting an error, check below to see probable causes and solutions. Or get in touch with our [http Team].xlsx Sales.xlsx]
== Problems Uploading a File ==
==== <span id="ThereAreNoColumnsException"><span id="FileWithoutRowsException">File without columns of data</span></span> ====
* Check if the file you are trying to import is in a format accepted by TaticView. See more [[Excel Importing Guide]];
* TaticView reads the first ten columns (on the first visible tab in XLS and XLSX files) of the file to detect the data columns. In case the columns are not found, the process is aborted;
* Check if there is data in the first tab (spreadsheet) of the file you are trying to upload. We always consider the first tab;
To maintain ==== <span id="EmptyFileException">File is empty</span> ====* Check if the correct operation of file you are trying to import has any data;* Check if the created dashboards, some definitions and settings can not be changed later file is in a format accepted by TaticView;* TaticView reads the data source first ten columns (on the first visible tab in XLS and in XLSX files) of the import file:to detect the data columns. In case the columns are not found, the process is aborted;
==== <span id="InvalidXLSXFormatException">XLSX file is in an invalid format</span> ====* The file's structure does not respect the XLSX format. Try saving the file again using Excel. See how on [[Save File Supported Format]];* Check if the file is secured with a password if so, remove it; ==== <span id="NotOOXMLFileException">XLSX file is out of Excel's standards</span> ====* The file's structure does not respect the XLSX format. Try saving the file again using Excel. See how on [[Save File Supported Format]];* Columns If the file was generated by a third party software, the problem can not be added between with the original columns software used; ==== <span id="InvalidXLSFormatException">XLS file is in an invalid format</span> ====* Verify if the file is an XLS file. Try saving the fileagain using Excel. See how on [[Save File Supported Format]]==== <span id="EncryptedXLSFormatException">XLS file encrypted</span> ====*Remove the encryption if the file is encrypted. TatciView does not support encrypted XLS files; ==== <span id="FileReadingFailureException">File not supported</span> ====* It The file type is possible to add column based on its extension. The submitted file has an unknown extension. See the supported formats [[Supported File Formats]]; ==== <span id="ODFFormatNotSupportedException">File in ODF format</span> ====* Files in the ODF format (OpenOffice, LibreOffice) are not supported. See the [[Supported File Formats|supported formats]]; * Try converting the file to the end of Excel's standard format or CSV, see hoe on [[Save File Supported Format]]; ==== <span id="OldExcelFormatExceptio">Excel format not supported</span> ====* The file was generated in an old Excel version. Try converting the fileto a more recent Excel format. See more [[Save File Supported Format]]== Data Formatting Problems ==  ==== <span id="ColumnNameIsBlankException"><span id="TitleIsBlankException">Columns with the name in blank</span></span> ====* Columns names can not be changed Check if there is a column with the name in blank on the header in your file header;** Column names can be changed Make sure that in the [[Input Data Format]] stepscreen, but objects that already use this any column will keep is blank; ==== <span id="CharactersExceedLimitException">Columns when the previous too large</span> ====** To updateCheck if there is a column's title that exceeds the 50 characters limit. If so, remove and add again reduce the column 's title; ==== <span id="ColumnsWithSameNameException"><span id="TitlesWithSameNameException">Columns with the same name</span></span> ====* TaticView does not support columns with the same name. It will be necessary to change the columns names if your file has columns with the objectsame name;* Also check that there are columns with the same name in the [[Input Data Format]] screen; ==== <span id="InvalidExpressionException">Columns can not be removed from with invalid expressions</span> ====* Check your file's expressions (formulas) and correct the incorrect ones;* Make sure your fileexpressions are supported expressions. See the supported expressions [[Expressions|here]]==== <span id="ColumnRemovedException">File's columns removal</span> ====* Columns TaticView does not support column removal after the file has been imported for the first time. The current file must maintain its original order in have the same existing columns if you are updating the filedata==== <span id="CircularReferenceException">Expressions with circular reference</span> ====* Columns Expressions with circular reference have been detected (expressions on which depend on others). TaticView does not support this behavior. It will be necessary to remove the circular reference to import your data type can ; ==== <span id="MissingTypesOfColumnsException">File without the minimum requirements</span> ====* Your file does not have the minimum requirements to be changedimported to TaticView. It is necessary to have at least a '''DATE''', a '''TEXT''' column, and a '''NUMERIC''' column. See more on [[Supported File Formats]]; ==== <span id="NumberOfColsExceedLimit">Column limit exceeded</span> ====* Your file has exceeded the supported column limit. Check the limits [[Supported File Formats|here]]; ==== <span id="NumberOfTextColsExceedLimit">Text column limit exceeded</span> ====* Your file has exceeded the limit of supported text columns. Check the limit [[Supported File Formats|here]];

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