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TaticView β


Title bar Properties

510 bytes removed, 18:54, 12 April 2013
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Specifies the object title bar text, properties and layout. [[File:Titlebarproperties.png]]   '''Options''' * Caption: Set the text displayed in the object title bar; * Font: Set the font of the text displayed in the object title bar; * Font or dashboard background color: Set the color of the text displayed in the object title bar; * Font style: Set the style (bold, italic, underline) of the text displayed in the object title bar; * Text alignment: Set the horizontal alignment of the text displayed in the object title bar; * Invisible: Set wheter the title bar will be show or not
'''Applies to'''
Dashboard, Table, Cross Table, Column Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Pie Chart, Cross Column Chart, Cross Bar Chart, Cross Line Chart, Cross Area Chart, Combo (Filter), Label, Frame, Image, Gauge, Line