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'''Watch a [[Gauge Tutorial|video tutorial]] about the gauge object'''.
The example above shows a gauge with the interval going from ''0'' to ''104,500,000.000'', different fixed ranges between this interval (red, yellow and blue colors) that show the value performance and the dynamic pointer indicating the current value of the measure ''61873,731,136.7306''.
** [[Border color|Border Color]]
** [[Background color|Background Color]]
** [[Gauge Background Color|Gauge background color]]
** [[Object positions|Object Positions]]
** [[Object dimensions|Object Dimensions]]
* '''Column Properties''':
** [[Selected column]]** [[Column name|Column Name]]
** [[Data type|Data Type]]
** [[Column label]]
** [[Function]]
** [[Mask]]
** [[Decimal_places|Decimal places]]
** [[Thousand_sep.|Thousand sep.]]

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