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Permission filters

1,537 bytes removed, 17:59, 13 May 2013
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Useful for sharing one dashboard with multiple users that can only see a part of the data. Suppose you want to share a dashboard with the South and North regional managers, but they must be able to see they region data only. In this case, just create a region filter for each of them.
For more information on how to create filters see [[Filters|filters]]
revisar ========================================= It is possible to filter the data displayed in the object by one or For more ''Date'' or ''Text'' columns of the ''Data Source'' using the available operators. [[File:Filter.PNG]]  '''Operators''' * Equal information on how to: Data must be equal to the selection; * Not equal to: Data must be different from the selection; * Less than: Data must be lesser than the selection (chronological for ''Date'' columns and alphabetical for ''Text'' columns); * Greater than: Data must be greater than the selection (chronological for ''Date'' columns and alphabetical for ''Text'' columns); * Less or equal to: Data must be lesser or equal to the selection (chronological for ''Date'' columns and alphabetical for ''Text'' columns); * Greater or equal to: Data must be greater or equal to the selection (chronological for ''Date'' columns and alphabetical for ''Text'' columns); * Multiple Selection (In): Data must be equal to any of the selected content (right column); [[File:Filter_multiple.PNG]]  * Between: Data must be between the selection (chronological for ''Date'' columns and alphabetical for ''Text'' columns); [[File:Filter_range.PNG]]  * Like: Data must ''Starts with''create filters, ''Contain'' or ''Ends with'' the entered text. Available for ''Text'' columns only. see [[File:Filter_like.PNG]]   '''Options''' * Clear all: Remove all previous selections and set Filters|filters; * Edit Expression: Allows to manually create and edit filter rules by using programming language; [[File:Filter_edit_exp.PNG]]

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