Translations:Template Sales/8/en
From TaticView
- Order Date: Date on which the sale was made
- Delivery Date: Date on which the order was delivered
- Branch: Affiliate which performed the sale
- Group: Group to which belongs the sold product
- Product: Name of the sold product
- Customer: Customer name
- City: City where the customer lives
- State: State where the customer lives
- Region: The region of the country where the customer lives
- Salesman: Name of the salesperson who performed the sale
- Quantity: Quantity sold of a product
- Price: The price of the sold product
- Taxes: The amount of taxes levied on the product sale
- Net Revenue: The net value of the product sale
- Cost: The value of the product purchase cost
- Profit: Profit obtained from the product sale
- Avg Price: The result of the price estimate divided by the quantity
- %Profit: Percentage of profit on the product selling price