Difference between revisions of "Template RH/en"

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* '''Periculosidade''': Indicates if the employee performs a function considered dangerous

Revision as of 18:04, 21 September 2017

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In competitive environments and with the lack of qualified human resources, a proper management of those resources has a major role in retaining talents and in maintaining productivity.

In this situation, to achieve these goals, it is vital that the human resources departments provide reliable and up-to-date information on the staff to other managers.

Through the HR template, the HR managers can automate, with a low cost, a generation and a distribution, with security and confidentiality, like information on the staff.

Learn through the available dashboards:






Download the HR worksheet and replace it with your data to start reviewing immediately and improving the management of your employees.

If you do not have all the data available, leave the corresponding columns blank.

Share your information with other company managers by displaying only the information relevant to them while you still have full access to all information.

Information on the HR spreadsheet:

  • Data Competência: Date of data collection on the HR system


  • Filial: Name of the branch where the employee works
  • Centro de Custo: Name of the cost center where the employee is designated
  • Colaborador: Employee's name and code
  • Sexo: Employee's gender


  • Grau de Instrução: Employee's level of education
  • Faixa Etária: Employee's age group
  • Cargo: Description of the position that the employee occupies within the company


  • Situação: Indicates whether the employee is on active staff




  • Data Admissão: The date when the employee started working at the company


  • Salário Mês: The value of the salary paid to the employee in the month of competence


  • Passivo Décimo Terceiro: valor provisionado para o décimo terceiro salário


  • Passivo FGTS: valor que foi recolhido para o FGTS do colaborador
  • Bnf. Transporte: Amount paid as a voucher benefit
  • Bnf. Alimentação: Amount paid for the food voucher
  • Bnf. Saúde: Amount paid as health plan benefit
  • Bnf. Outros: Amount paid under other benefits


  • Valor Horas Extras: The value of overtime worked


  • Qtd. Horas Faltas: The number of hours the employee missed work
  • Percentual de Horas Faltas: Percentage of absences over hours paid





  • Overtime information
  • Ranking of employees with more absence
  • Summary of employees by Sex, Marital Status, level of education and Age Group

Rh exemplo 1.PNG

Rh exemplo 2.PNG

Rh exemplo 3.PNG