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Axes Options

Here you can configure charts axes options.

Category Axis

ChartAxes Category.png

The options here are:

Value Axes

On the Value Axes there are some charts that support only one value axis (#Simple Value Axis) and other that support one ore more value axis (#Multiple Value Axis)

Simple Value Axis

Charts that support only one value axis

ChartAxes Values Simple.png

The options here are:

Applies to

Cross Column Chart, Cross Bar Chart, Cross Line Chart, Cross Area Chart

Multiple Value Axis

We support charts that can have one ore more Value Axes, so you can create complex charts, as you can see bellow. Comparing two axes.png

The use wants do compare Cost and %Profit, but, as the values have a huge difference, using one axis (left chart) results in a bad view, but with tow axes (right chart) you can see the variations clearly.

So you can:

  • Add more axes to the chart, using the New Axis button
  • Remove the Axis (trash icon)
  • Associate the values the each axis
  • Choose the Axis Position (on the Left or Right)
  • Ordene the Axis order (by dragging the Axis card up and down)

ChartAxes Values.png

The options for each axis are:

Applies to

Column Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart