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Revision as of 18:01, 21 September 2017 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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TaticView can be hired through a monthly subscription. Subscriptions are managed through the Control Panel through the options:

TaticView has a free subscription, indefinitely, with all its features, providing the following initial configuration:

To extend these features, you need to hire a monthly subscription, prepaid, on which is calculated in credits from the desired configuration. With functioning similar to a prepaid mobile phone, credits are purchased in packages and used to pay your monthly subscription.

On the Control Panel, you can configure resources according to your needs and will be informed of the monthly amount of credits and the monthly financial value based on the current price of the credit.

You need to buy a credit package that includes at least one month of subscription. The higher the package, more bonus you will get.

Monthly renewal

The renewal of the subscription is done monthly and will be automatic if you have enough credits.

If at the time of the renewal there are not enough credits for another month, you will be notified via email.

If you don't have enough credits to renew your subscription after five days, you will be downgraded to the free subscription.

Your data will not be lost, but the dashboards will not work until you adapt your subscription to the conditions of the free signature.

Alteração de Configuração

Se sua configuração ficou acima ou abaixo da sua necessidade você poderá alterá-la a qualquer momento para mais ou menos. Toda vez que a configuração for alterada ocorrerá uma devolução pró-rata dos créditos não utilizados, um novo cálculo será realizado um novo período de assinatura mensal iniciado.

Every time the setting is changed there will be a pro-rata refund of unused credits, a new calculation will be made and a new monthly subscription period starts.

Compra de Créditos

Os créditos são pagos via boleto e, no ato da confirmação da assinatura, ele (boleto) será enviado para seu e-mail. Caso não receba o boleto por email, você poderá obtê-lo através do Painel de Controle da sua assinatura. Boletos não pagos até o vencimento perdem a validade, assim como os créditos correspondentes. Uma nova solicitação de compra de créditos deverá ser realizada na página Créditos. Após a identificação do pagamento do boleto pelo Taticview, os créditos são liberados para utilização e uma nota fiscal de serviço será emitida e enviada por e-mail. Um extrato com todas as suas movimentações de créditos está disponível para consulta, na página Painel de Controle/Extrato.

If you do not receive the ticket by email, you can get it through the Control Panel.

Tickets not paid until expire date will be due, as well as the corresponding credits. A new credit purchase request must be made on Credits page.

After the identification of the payment by TaticView, credits are approved for use and an invoice service will be issued and sent by email.

A statement with all your credit transactions is available for consultation in the Transactions page.

* This feature has been replaced by the Shared users feature, signatures created before this change will still feature the resources until their renewal.