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Template Condominium

Revision as of 18:03, 21 September 2017 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Comming soon

Learn through the available dashboards:

  • the biggest expenses,
  • If the revenues are adequate to the expenses,

Download the condominium spreadsheet and replace it with your data to begin reviewing immediately and improving the management of your administrator.


Share the information with condominium trustees by displaying only their condo information while you still have full access to all the information.

Information on the condominium spreadsheet:





  • Valor: The amount of expense or revenue


  • Monthly Expenses Analysis


  • Monthly Revenue Analysis

File:Analise mensal receitas.PNG

  • 10 Biggest Expenses

File:10 maiores despesas.PNG

  • Monthly Comparison of Expenses and Revenues

File:Comparativo mensal despesas receitas.PNG

  • Balance Analysis by Category