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Formato de Entrada dos Dados

Revision as of 18:24, 11 April 2014 by Jeferson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''Conjunto de caracteres''': Define a codificação de leitura do arquivo. Normalmente a opção correta é automaticamente selecionada. Somente arquivos CSV;")


  • Conjunto de caracteres: Define a codificação de leitura do arquivo. Normalmente a opção correta é automaticamente selecionada. Somente arquivos CSV;

  • Start row: Specifies which row of the file the import process should start reading. Headings should be included if the Header row option is checked. For CSV files only;

  • Date mask: Choose the Date fields mask in the file. The selected mask must be exactly equal to the format used by dates in the file. For CSV files only;

  • Delimited by: Specifies the columns delimiter character. Select between Tab, Semicollon, Collon or Other character (for Other type the desired delimiter in the field). Usually the correct option is selected automatically. For CSV files only;

  • Header: Check if the file have a Header row that identifies the columns. The header will be used as the default name for the columns in the data source;

  • Decimal Separator: Specifies the decimal separator used in the file. For CSV files only

  • Columns options: Click the column header in the preview table to select and change its options:
    • Column data type: Specifies the column data type: Date, Text or Value;
    • Column name: Specifies the column name.;
    • Decimal places: Specifies how many decimal places. For Value columns only;

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