Template Sales

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Through the Sales Management template, you can have total control of your sales by Branch, Products, Customers, Salesperson and more.

Know your billing, taxes, costs and profit margin through the many management dashboards available.

Donwload the Sales Spreadsheet and replace it with your data to start analyzing immediately and improve your business management.

If you do not have all the available data, leave the corresponding columns blank.


Sales Spreadsheet Information:



  • Annual Sales Informations

Annual sales information.PNG

  • Annual Information (Top 10)

Annual information.PNG

  • Branch Analysis by Quarter

Branch analysis quarter.PNG

  • Product by Customer Analysis

Product customer analysis.PNG

  • Product Sales

Product sales.PNG

  • Sales by Region

Sales region.PNG

  • Sales by Salesman

Sales salesman.PNG

  • Sales by State/Salesman/Product

Sales state salesman product.PNG

  • Sales Summary

Sales sumary.PNG

  • State Analysis

State analysis.PNG