Modelo Ventas
A través del modelo de Gestión de Ventas usted podrá tener control total de sus ventas por Sucursal, Productos, Clientes, Vendedores y mucho más.
Conozca su facturación, impuestos, costos, margen de beneficio a través de los diversos paneles disponibles.
Descargue la hoja de ventas y reemplace por sus datos para empezar a analizar inmediatamente y mejorar la gestión de su negocio.
If you do not have all the available data, leave the corresponding columns blank.
Share your information with Affiliates and Sellers by displaying only relevant information to them, while you have full access to all information.
Sales Spreadsheet Information:
- Order Date: Date on which the sale was made
- Delivery Date: Date on which the order was delivered
- Branch: Affiliate which performed the sale
- Group: Group to which belongs the sold product
- Product: Name of the sold product
- Customer: Customer name
- City: City where the customer lives
- State: State where the customer lives
- Region: The region of the country where the customer lives
- Salesman: Name of the salesperson who performed the sale
- Quantity: Quantity sold of a product
- Price: The price of the sold product
- Taxes: The amount of taxes levied on the product sale
- Net Revenue: The net value of the product sale
- Cost: The value of the product purchase cost
- Profit: Profit obtained from the product sale
- Avg Price: The result of the price estimate divided by the quantity
- %Profit: Percentage of profit on the product selling price
- Informacion Anual de Ventas
- Informacion Anual (Top 10)
- Análisis Mensual de Pedidos
- Comparacion Anual de Productos
- Rango de Clientes
- Producto por Análisis del Cliente
- Ventas de Productos
- Ventas por Region
- Ventas por Vendedor
- Ventas Anuales por Vendedor
- Resumen de Ventas
- Análisis de Estado