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Você pode compartilhar seus painéis com outros usuários ('''veja [[Sharing a Dashboard Tutorial|um tutorial em vídeo (inglês)]]'''): .
Utilizando [[Permission filters/pt-br|permissões]] é possível criar um único painel com toda informação necessária e compartilhar com cada usuário apenas o que eles precisam ver.
== Criando um novo compartilhamento ==
To share a dashboard, you must access the '''Share dashboard''' option, available in the context menu of each dashboard card, or use the '''Share''' option available while dashboard execution:
:{| class="images-table"
| On desktop
|[[File:Share dashboard card en-US.png|link=]]
| In mobile devices
|[[File:Dashboard options mobile en-US.png|link=]] [[File:Share dashboard card mobile en-US.png|link=]]
| During execution (desktop and mobile devices)
|[[File:Share dashboard execution en-US.png|link=]]
By doing this, the '''Manage Shares''' screen appears:
:[[File:Manage share en-US.png|link=]]
On this screen you can, in addition to adding new sharing invitations:
- check with whoever has already shared this dashboard;
- check the status of each invitation sent;
- change the [[Permission filters|Permissions]] of each invitation sent;
- grant [[Write permission|written permission]] to the guest;
- resend an invitation that is pending;
- remove an invitation sent;
- change the name of a guest (useful to make it easier to find them in the list of suggestions displayed when adding a new guest);
To save and send the invitation, just click '''Save''' button. If this is disabled, check that the data (''name'' and ''email'') were filled in correctly.
Another way to share dashboards is by using the '''Share dashboards''' option in the menu on the Dashboards tab of the [[Main Page Overview|main page]]: :{| class="images-table"| On desktop|-|[[File:CompnovoconvitesShare dashboard menu en-US.PNGpng|link=]]|-| In mobile devices|-|[[File:Share dashboard mobile menu en-US.png|link=]]|} In this case, the following screen will be displayed: :[[File:share_summary.png|link=]] In this screen you can, in addition to adding new dashboard for sharing: - check how many invitations have already been accepted for each shared dashboard; - check how many invitations are still pending; - edit a share; - remove a share; When you click '''Add dashboard''', the list of panels is displayed so that you can select what you want to share. :[[File:share_select_dashboard.png|link=]] Selecting a dashboard will display the ''Manage shares'' screen.
- change the name of the guest. This change does not reshare sharing, it only changes the name of the guest on the current share, and updates the name in the list of suggestions that appears when you add new invites;
- change the guest's [[File:Compconvitesstatus.PNGWrite permission|link=write permission]]. Used for when you want the guest to be able to edit the shared dashboard;
- also allows you to resend an invitation that has status ''pending''.
You can remove all shares from a dashboard, as well as remove only one specific invitation.
To remove all shares you send from a given dashboard, you must use the '''Share dashboards''' option available in the dashboards tab menu on the [[Main Page Overview|main screen]]. On the screen if it is displayed, just click the delete icon and confirm. With this, all shares of this dashboard will be removed. :{| class="images-table"| On desktop|-|[[File:Share dashboard menu en-US.png|link= Deletando um compartilhamento ]] <span style="margin-left: 20px;">[[File:Remove all shares en-US.png|link=]]</span>|-| In mobile devices|-|[[File:Share dashboard mobile menu en-US.png|link=]] <span style="margin-left: 20px;">[[File:Remove all shares en-US.png|link=]]</span>|}
== Aceitando um compartilhamento ==
* Para saber como aceitar um compartilhamento de painéis enviado para você, veja [[Accept_shared_dashboards/pt-br|Painéis Compartilhados Recebidos]].