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Line Chart

729 bytes added, 16:37, 24 April 2013
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Implements a Line Chart object that represents data as a series of line connected dots whose height is determined by the values in the data.
The Line Chart object needs one [[Date]] or [[Text]] column that will be used to group data and supports an unlimited number of [[Value]] columns that will be show as the lines and dots in the chart.
For other chart options, see [[Objects]]. It is also possible to create mixed charts by changing the [[Series Type]] property of the [[Value]] columns.
In the above example the chart displays the ''Net Revenue'' and ''Gross Sale'' by ''Month'' in 2012 (filtered with the help of the [[Combo (Filter)]] object).
'''Data Properties'''
* [[Advanced row filter]], * [[Column order]], * [[Decimal (Y axis)]], * [[Filters]], * [[Row limit]], * [[Rows sort]], * [[Stacking]], * [[Thousand sep. (Y axis)]], * [[Total row]]
'''Title Bar Properties'''
* [[Title bar Properties]]
'''Layout Properties'''
* [[Background color]], * [[Border color]], * [[Font size]], * [[Hide labels]], * [[Label position]], * [[Labels rotation]], * [[Object dimensions]], * [[X position]], * [[Y position]]
'''Object Columns Properties'''
* [[Column filters]], * [[Column label]], * [[Column name]], * [[Data type]], * [[Decimal places]], * [[Delete column]], * [[Function]], * [[Mask]], * [[Series Type]], * [[Thousand sep.]]

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