Problemas de Importação

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Veja também o Guia de Importação Excel.


Para manter o correto funcionamento dos painéis que já foram criados, algumas definições não poderão ser alteradas no arquivo de dados e no arquivo de importação, durante a atualização dos dados. Por exemplo:

  • Não poderão ser adicionadas novas colunas entre as colunas que já foram importadas:
    • Novas colunas devem ser adicionadas no final do arquivo;
  • Os títulos das colunas, no arquivo de importação, não poderão ser alterados após a primeira importação:
    • O apelido das colunas poderá ser alterado em Formato de Entrada dos Dados, mas os componentes dos painéis criados anteriormente continuarão com o apelido anterior;
  • Para atualize o apelido em um componente do painel, remova a coluna e adicione-a novamente;
  • Colunas não poderão ser removidas do arquivo de importação, após a primeira importação;
  • A posição das colunas não poderá ser alterada após a primeira importação;
  • O tipo dos dados das colunas (texto, valor, data, etc) não poderá ser alterado após a primeira importação;

If the file you are trying to import is presenting an error, check below to see probable causes and solutions. Or get in touch with our Support Team.

Problems uploading a file

We could not detect any data column in the file

  • Check if the file you are trying to import is in a format accepted by TaticView. See more Excel Importing Guide;
  • TaticView reads the first ten columns (on the first visible tab in XLS and XLSX files) of the file to detect the data columns. In case the columns are not found, the process is aborted;
  • Check if there is data in the first tab (spreadsheet) of the file you are trying to upload. We always consider the first tab;

We've detected that the file is empty

  • Check if the file you are trying to import has any data;
  • Check if the file is in a format accepted by TaticView;
  • TaticView reads the first ten columns (on the first visible tab in XLS and XLSX files) of the file to detect the data columns. In case the columns are not found, the process is aborted;

XLSX file is in an invalid format

  • The file's structure does not respect the XLSX format. Try saving the file again using Excel. See how on Save File Supported Format;
  • Check if the file is secured with a password if so, remove it;

XLSX file is out of Excel's standards

  • The file's structure does not respect the XLSX format. Try saving the file again using Excel. See how on Save File Supported Format;
  • If the file was generated by a third party software, the problem can be with the software used;

XLS file is in an invalid format

XLS file encrypted

  • Remove the encryption if the file is encrypted. TatciView does not support encrypted XLS files;

File not supported

  • The file type is based on its extension. The submitted file has an unknown extension. See the supported formats Supported File Formats;

File in ODF format

Excel format not supported

  • The file was generated in an old Excel version. Try converting the file to a more recent Excel format. See more Save File Supported Format;

Data preview problems

Columns with the name in blank

  • Check if there is a column with the name in blank on the header in your file;

Columns when the name is too large

  • Check if there is a column's title that exceeds the 50 characters limit. If so, reduce the column's title;

Columns with the same name

  • TaticView does not support columns with the same name. It will be necessary to change the columns names if your file has columns with the same name;

Columns with invalid expressions

  • Check your file's expressions (formulas) and correct the incorrect ones;

File's columns removal

  • TaticView does not support column removal after the file has been imported for the first time. The current file must have the same existing columns if you are updating the data;

Expressions with circular reference

  • Expressions with circular reference have been detected (expressions on which depend on others). TaticView does not support this behavior. It will be necessary to remove the circular reference to import your data;

File without the minimum requirements

  • Your file does not have the minimum requirements to be imported to TaticView. It is necessary to have at least a DATE, a TEXT column, and a NUMERIC column. See more on Supported File Formats;